誓いの夜・青獅子の学級 A Night of Promises (Blue Lions)
(青獅子の学級 夜)
Blue Lions Classroom | Evening
ディミトリ: 年に一度の舞踏会とあって、どの学級の者も皆、凄まじい気合の入りようだな……。
Dimitri: This is the only ball of the year, and I see why. Everyone is absurdly excited...
ドゥドゥー: ……殿下。他人事のように仰いますが、明日の舞踏会は……全員参加とのことです。
Dedue: Your Highness, you sound so detached. We are all encouraged to enjoy the ball tomorrow.
ディミトリ: ……そう、だったな。……気が重い。
Dimitri: Right you are, What a burden...
フェリクス: フン……こんなところでお前と意見が合うとはな。
Felix: Huh. I never thought we'd see eye to eye, but I agree.
I'd rather be swinging my blade than wasting my time with some girl at a ball.
シルヴァン: え、殿下もフェリクスも冗談でしょう……?学校じゅうの女の子と踊り放題なんですよ?
Sylvain: Felix! Your Highness! You must be joking, right? This is our chance to dance with all of the ladies of the academy to our heart's content.
You wish to throw away the best day of the whole year for sword practice? Insanity, I tell you!
アッシュ: 僕は舞踏会、結構楽しみですよ。こんな機会、滅多にないですから。
Ashe: I'm pretty excited about the ball, myself. It's not like we get to do things like this very often.
シルヴァン: よし、よく言ったアッシュ! 明日までに女の子の口説き方をみっちり仕込んでやる。
Sylvain: Too true, Ashe. In fact, I'm gonna do you a favor and give you a crash course in chatting up girls. By tomorrow, you'll be an expert!
アッシュ: いやあの、僕はどちらかといえば踊りのほうを教わりたいんですけど……。
Ashe: Actually I'd much prefer if someone could just teach us how to dance...
アネット: 踊りなら心配ご無用!あたしが教えてあげるよ、アッシュ!
Annette: Don't worry about the dancing part. I can teach you that, easy!
メルセデス: 折角の舞踏会だもの~。お化粧くらいはしなきゃ、よね。イングリット?
Mercedes: It's time for the ball! That warrants at least a tiny bit of makeup, don't you think, Ingrid? Just a smidge?
イングリット: そ、そうですね……。努力だけは……しましょう。
Ingrid: I...hmm. Maybe. I'll think about it.
アネット: よしっ、それじゃあ明日の朝は、イングリットの部屋で集合ね、メーチェ!
Annette: It's settled! Tomorrow morning we'll meet up in Ingrid's room. Ooh, I can't wait!
ディミトリ: ………………。
Dimitri: Hahaha.
You know... There's no telling where life will take us after we leave here. If only we could find a way to come together again, just like this...
ドゥドゥー: ……良い案ですね、殿下。でしたら、5年後はいかがです。
Dedue: A fine notion, Your Highness. Perhaps five years from now?
ディミトリ: 5年後?ああ、ガルグ=マクの千年祭の年か。
Dimitri: Five years from now? Ah! That's when Garreg Mach Monastery will be holding the millennium festival.
イングリット: その頃にはもう、殿下のことは陛下とお呼びしなくてはならないのでしょうね。
Ingrid: By then we'll be addressing Your Highness as Your Majesty instead!
シルヴァン: ああ、そっか。わかってはいたが、なーんか遠い人になっちまうんですね。
Sylvain: That's right. I suppose we all know it's coming, but by then you'll be far removed from us.
ディミトリ: ……勘弁してくれ。立場が変わろうと、俺は俺のままだ。
Dimitri: Come now. You know me better than that. My title may change, but I won't.
And it won't just be me, you know. Five years from now, you'll all have your own stuffy positions to contend with.
ディミトリ: きっとその頃には皆、それぞれ窮屈な身の上になっているとは思う。
ディミトリ: だが千年祭は、これまでにない規模の祝祭だと聞いているし……
Dimitri: But as I understand it, the festivities at the millennium festival will be of a scale far beyond anything we've yet seen...
In other words, the perfect excuse for us all to return here.
アネット: それって、同窓会ってやつですよね?楽しそう! あたし大賛成です!
Annette: Ooh, a reunion? That sounds fun! I wouldn't miss it for the world!
ディミトリ: もちろんその時には、先生にも来てほしい。先生あっての青獅子の学級、だからな。
Dimitri: I'd love for you to be there as well, Professor. After all, you're the heart of the Blue Lion House.
Choice 1: もちろん I'll be there. *Dimitri up
Choice 2: たぶん I'll try.
ディミトリ: 良かった。それじゃあ、決まりだな。
Dimitri: Good. Then it's settled.
Of course...if something happens and I'm not able to attend, I'm leaving all of the logistics of organizing this reunion to you, Professor.
Byleth:必ず来い You have to attend.
メルセデス: そうよ~。王様の仕事が大変なのはわかるけれど、諦めるのが早すぎるんじゃない?
Mercedes: It's true! I'm sure being a king will keep you busy, but it's a bit early to be backing out of your own plans, don't you think?
ディミトリ: ……そう、だな。
Dimitri: Yes... I suppose you're right.
I'm sorry. You have my word. I will return as well. Count on it.